Sprite 1984 - 1993
Sprite 1984 - 1993.iso
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jget User Commands jget
jget - list contents of a Jaquith archive directory.
jjggeett [--aarrcchh _a_r_c_h_i_v_e] [--sseerrvveerr _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e] [--ppoorrtt _p_o_r_t]
[--rraannggee ((_d_a_t_e_1,_d_a_t_e_2)] [--oowwnneerr _n_a_m_e] [--ggrroouupp _n_a_m_e] [--aabbss
_r_e_g_e_x_p] [--uu]] [[--aassooff _d_a_t_e] [--ssiinnccee _d_a_t_e] [--ffiirrsstt _n] [--llaasstt _n]
[--aallll] [--mmooddddaattee] [_f_i_l_e_l_i_s_t] [--mmaaiill _m_a_i_l_a_d_d_r] [--ttaarrggeett
_d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y] [--ddiirr] [--ffiilltteerr]] [[--ttaarr] [--ttaarrbbuuff _b_u_f_S_i_z_e]
--aarrcchh _a_r_c_h_i_v_e Name of logical archive. If none is speci-
fied, the environment variable JARCHIVE is
used, if defined, else the default archive is
--sseerrvveerr _h_o_s_t_n_a_m_e
Specifies host where Jaquith server is run-
ning. Defaults to the environment variable
--ppoorrtt _p_o_r_t Specifies port number where Jaquith server is
running. Defaults to the environment variable
--rraannggee _d_a_t_e_1,_d_a_t_e_2
Retrieve files with date in specified range.
--oowwnneerr _n_a_m_e Retrieve only files with specified owner name.
--ggrroouupp _n_a_m_e Retrieve only files with specified group name.
--aabbss _r_e_g_e_x_p Retrieve files which match _r_e_g_e_x_p in their
abstract lines.
--aassooff _d_a_t_e Retrieve version which was current as of
specified date. Equivalent to: -range(1-jan-
--ssiinnccee _d_a_t_e Retrieve versions between _d_a_t_e and present
date. Equivalent to: -range(_d_a_t_e,_p_r_e_s_e_n_t-_d_a_t_e)
--ffiirrsstt _n Retrieve from the nth version in the date
--llaasstt Retrieve to the nth version in the date range.
--aallll Retrieve all the versions in the archive.
Equivalent to: -first 1 -last -1
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jget User Commands jget
--mmooddddaattee Use the file's modification date, not its
archive date for all date comparisons.
--mmaaiill Send response by mail to _m_a_i_l_a_d_d_r.
--ttaarrggeett _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y
Restore file hierarchy relative to specified
directory. By default, files are restored
with their original pathnames.
--ddiirr Restore directory's top-level contents only.
--ffiilltteerr Run jget as in filter mode. Data is restored
directly to stdout.
--ttaarr Data is restored directly to stdout in tar
--ttaarrbbuuff _b_u_f_S_i_z_e
With --ttaarr option, use a buffer size of _b_u_f_-
_S_i_z_e. Default is 10KB.
JJggeett provides a simple file retrieval mechanism for an
archive tape system controlled by the Jaquith program.
The primary argument _f_i_l_e_l_i_s_t is a file expression which
specifies the files to be listed. Shell-like globbing is
supported. '*' matches any number of characters. '?' matches
a single character. Additionally, curly braces can be used
to enclose alternatives. For example foo.{bak,?} matches
both foo.bak, foo.c and foo.h.
Note that any metacharacters which are not protected with a
backslash or quotes will be expanded by the shell, not by
the Jaquith system.
The default action is to retrieve the most recent versions
of matching filenames. The set of files retrieved can be
controlled by the use of one or more options. The options
are all logically ANDed together; only files matching all
criteria are retrieved.
The -range, -first and -last options work together to
specify a subset of the archived versions. First, the date
range is applied, resulting in a list of candidates numbered
logically from 1 to _n. Then the first and last options are
applied to this list. First and last can be positive and
retrieve the specified filenames from restricted list, or
they can be negative in which case they count from the end
of the list. Thus, the most recent version of a file can be
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jget User Commands jget
retrieved with 'first -1 last -1' without having to know how
many versions currently exist.
_d_a_t_e is of the form _D_a_t_e_S_p_e_c[:_T_i_m_e_S_p_e_c]. _T_i_m_e_S_p_e_c is of the
form [hh[:mm[:ss]]], and _D_a_t_e_S_p_e_c is of the form
dd-month[-yyyy]. Month is the first 3 letters of the month;
all others are numbers. The '/' character is a substitute
for '-' and '.' may be used instead of ':'.
A file which matches more than one regular expression will
be retrieved multiple times.
There is currently no support for hard links.
Only one archive can be specified at a time.
Unlike the shell, the Jaquith globbing characters '*' and
'?' match a '.' in the first position.
jaquith jmgr jls jstat jput jctrl jcopy jclean jbuild
jaquith archive
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